Partnering with your organization to bring HOPE to Kids in your neighborhood and around the world.

What if giving to nonprofits was profitable for your business, positive for your brand & encouraged your employees…

Imagine creating an employee driven, philanthropic environment that supports your organization’s mission, enhances your brand awareness, and brings hope to kids in your neighborhood and around the world.

(Oh, did we mention, you could travel to Kenya, too?)

How With A Mission Works

  • #1 WANTED: Businesses desiring to make an impact

    Are you and your employees ready to make an impact here and around the world? As a With a Mission Partner, your organization will be able to select hands-on efforts that excite your employees and align with your mission.

  • #2 Sign-up as a With A Mission Partner

    Craft your partnership so the activities fit your company’s mission and employees' desires perfectly. (See the list of approved With a Mission charities below) With your partnership, you’ll receive resources to help spread the word regarding your impact throughout the community and around the world. This includes a website with unique URL and print materials.

  • #3 Everyone Benefits!

    Your business, employees, and customers will all see and experience the impact of being a With a Mission Partner. Employees can volunteer locally and even earn a trip to Kenya.

Approved Charitable Partners

  • Boys & Girls Club

    The Boys and Girls Club provides a safe and nurturing environment where children and teenagers can thrive. Through your generosity, With A Mission offers financial and volunteer support to this incredible organization. Join us in making a lasting impact on the lives of youth in our community.

  • Helping Kenya Kids

    The Great Famine of 1984 brought drought and starvation to Kenya. The effects are still experienced today! Helping Kenya Kids provides essential resources (water, education, food and healthcare) so the men, women, and children of Kenya can be restored and empowered with the dignity and hope found only in Jesus.

    Over 400 students are attending Christian schools as part of the Helping Kenya Kids ministry. Student Sponsorships provide your student with tuition, supplies, food and more. 100% of your support goes to Kenya!

  • Habitat for Humanity

    Habitat for Humanity is a global nonprofit organization dedicated to providing safe, affordable housing to families in need. Through volunteer labor and generous donations, Habitat builds and repairs homes in partnership with future homeowners, who invest sweat equity into their own houses. This collaborative effort not only creates stable living conditions but also fosters strong communities. Join us in supporting Habitat for Humanity.

  • Kids’ Food Basket

    Kids’ Food Basket exists to increase access to healthy food for children and families. They mobilize human and financial resources to break down barriers that cause food insecurity. Services include the Sack Supper program, sustainable farming, community food distribution and educational programming.

Haircuts With a Mission

SonRise Clippers, owners of GreatClips, is an approved With A Mission partner.

Visit their uniquely designed With a Mission site to see how they have crafted efforts to fit their brand and organization mission.